10 January, 2013

Back to the grind.

Hi, all! I'm quite sorry I haven't been posting much. Yes, Red States is still a thing, and yes it's still happening. I have, however, been very preoccupied with matters of a personal nature including a rather irritating health matter and the most joyous occasion of my entire life: the relocation of my darling lover from California to my home state of Georgia.

So, I am still alive. No, I won't describe my health issue and as much as I'd love to talk about my girlfriend moving in, she and I are both rather private individuals and really quite boring even if we weren't, so I shan't go into much detail there, either. What I can do for all of you lovely people is tell you about a new project I have in the works.

You see, if you know anything at all about me, it's probably that I am very much a firearms aficionado. My M1911 is showered with the love and devotion I'd show my children if I ever had any inclination to have any. To wit, I am in the process of buying the tools and practicing the expertise needed to make M1911 grips. As it is the only pistol I own which can really take custom grips, that's what I'll be limited to for the near future - with eventual prospects towards making AK furniture.

Now, here's where it becomes a project. As alluded to earlier, I have some health issues at the moment. Nothing pressing or life threatening, mind you, but it does demand that I stay at home. However, I would rather like to have some kind of income and have always been quite skilled with my hands. Here, now, is the meat of the matter. At a price to be set later, once I have the tools I need, I will be making custom M1911 grip panels on commission! Whatever you want carved, within reason, for a modest sum! You too can add a personal touch to your Browning .45 and be the envy of all of your range friends. Stay tuned for more.

Incidentally, if anyone has any writing gigs, do let me know. I'm well aware that this form of solicitation is in rather poor form, but I'm in need of paid work and I've not quite got a vast network of contacts to prod for this at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. You could try elance, odesk, and peopleperhour for freelance writing work. It might take some time you you might not get orders right away, but there are plenty of orders there. The pay rate is not that great though, but those three sites are great places to start as a freelancer.

    Wish you all the best with your health, writing, custom grip making, and girlfriend moving in. :)
