02 October, 2012

An Obituary, On Behalf of the ComradePants People

Information Ministry of the Politburo,
The Glorious Workers' Republic of Comrade Pants

Bedskaya-nod, Bedroom Oblast - Central Pantshouse Republic: 2, October, 2012 - 23:45
It is with heavy hearts that the workers and peasants of the Glorious Worker's Republic of Comrade Pants, with their Benevolent Leader, Comrade Pants, join in mourning with our dear comrades in the sovereign Queendom of Loud Noises the loss of a true visionary and dedicated revolutionary, Comrade Zombiefishfish.

From an early age, Comrade Zombiefishfish - born Xena, the Warrior Fishess - was no stranger to screwing over fate. At scarcely any age, the poor betta did seem thoroughly dead when Comrade Lyssa Bee checked on her. However, when hope for the fish seemed all but gone, Xena arose - like Jesus, but better because she was real and underwater. It was at this moment that all those who struggle for Revolution learned to look to the guiding leadership of the newly rechristened Comrade Zombiefishfish to lead the way to a glorious tomorrow, lived beneath the waves and free of the spectre of death. 

However, as it must be with all living things, our dear comrade was cruelly taken from us over the last weekend. Appropriately, at yesterday's 4th Extraordinary Party Summit in Basementograd Oblast, the Central Committee declared this week to be a week of mourning for one of the greatest fish to ever live, die, and relive. The world is much poorer for her loss. 

Comrade Zombiefishfish is survived by her bowl and personal effects. Comrade Zombiefishfish was twice awarded the Red Banner of Socialist Labor and was merited once each with the Order of Lenin and the Hero of the Glorious Workers' Republic of Comrade Pants. In pace, requiescat.

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