06 August, 2012

The News Sucks

Last night, America and, to a greater extent, humanity as a whole had cause to celebrate as the Curiosity rover landed unharmed upon the surface of Mars in a highly technical acrobatic display that would make Michael Bay jizz himself. Truly, it was a crowning achievement for the trouble stricken NASA and a beleaguered United States. We may be losing our superpower status, but at least we're still pioneers in the field of space travel.

The cable news, however, was all but silent on the matter. Enter now, the part that pisses me off. You see, if you weren't aware beforehand, there was a massacre a day ago in Wisconsin at a Sikh temple. A tragedy, to be sure, fueled by hatred and prejudice. However, this wasn't even what the news took issue with. So, what could CNN have been reporting to raise my ire so greatly?


Guns. Apparently, the rash of shootings lately is solely due to firearms. Never mind that they are but a tool. Nevermind that they're used to prevent crime far more often than they are used in the commission of crime. Nope. CNN doesn't care. It's a much bigger story for CNN if they can imply that guns are the problem and that you, John and Jane Public, are in horrendous danger until Congress does something.

This is what pisses me off. If we want to prevent shootings, we shouldn't look at banning guns for innocent people. If anything, we should make it easier for victims to get guns - as rapists and muggers and abusive spouses probably don't care if you're in a waiting period for your potentially life saving EDC when they can simply go buy one on the corner. Why not tighten up who can get a gun? I say we do much more thorough checking for mentally unstable people, include background checking for racist and hate based organizations somehow, and impose stiffer penalties - including much harsher prison sentences - for those involved in straw purchases, and make carrying much easier for law abiding citizens by amending monetary and waiting requirements for carry permits.

In any case, if we do ban guns (which is a completely retarded idea anyway), the criminals out there certainly won't comply with this law. Hell, I've never disobeyed a law that mattered and I'd still refuse to turn in my guns. However, millions of lawful gun owners will. The first night of the gun ban would be a field day for the vermin of this nation. With nothing to stop them, the armed and unopposed criminal element of this country would be completely free to run amok - stealing, raping, murdering. This is why we can never allow our gun rights to be infringed, people. MOLON LABE

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