This is the part where I rant for a while, if you will indulge me such a thing. I'm supposed to be writing a story or something, but I will admit to being something of a hack at fiction and there's no better story than the human condition, right? Well, take a shot or seven and puff on your bong. You might need it. It helps the article go down more easily.
Now, it's no secret to anyone who knows me that aside from the Soviet Union - which I can shoehorn a mention of into almost anything - anarchy, the counter culture, gaming, drinking, firearms, opposing authority, absurdism, hedonism, wanton eccentricism, gothic literature, science fiction, and the various languages and customs of Europe and Eastern Asia, one of the subjects I'm most fond of in this entire world is the life and work of Dr. Hunter S Thompson. In fact, I even attained my Doctorate of Journalism - which I use on all of my letterheads and postage - from the same illustrious institution as Dr Thompson, a church of all places. Interestingly, this entitles me to conduct funerals and weddings and other events which have religious significance for some reason. I'm not sure why I did it, but I'm pretty sure it was a statement on the absurdity of organized religion and so that I could get gay people married since I live in the South and I doubt most ministers in these parts would extend them that courtesy. Anyway, you can do it, too!
Such a thing is, however, useless outside of these contexts. It's an interesting discussion piece, at least, to be able to call myself Comrade Pants, Doctor of Journalism. It fits really well with my full name and, really, isn't it the American dream to have a title in one's name? I'm pretty sure I've achieved that. That's pretty neat, I'd say. Better than anything most plebes out there have done.
Other things, other things... Um, oh yes. Some of you who frequent this blog-o-mat might recall a travelogue I was writing about my experiences in Berkeley and the Bay Area. Well, for various reasons the continuation of that article will be delayed until December. Why? Well, I'm not at liberty to say. I'm still writing it, mind you. It's still going to be tantalizingly festering on my hard drive, right where you can't read it, but it won't be online until the close of the year - or around that time.
Anyway, that's all that's all that's on my mind at the moment. Ciao.
Dr ComradePants
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