07 March, 2012

My Thoughts on Kony Slacktivism.

All this "Kony" BS just highlights how fickle people are.
Was everyone blind to child soldiers before this?
Will an awareness campaign to alert the public to an issue they knew full well about but did absolutely nothing to help, solve the issue?

Everyone is so quick to jump on a bandwagon and show how much of a good human being they are because they wear a t-shirt or post a status on Facebook while doing nothing to get to the root of the problem or address the issue.

What is truly sad is that when people get bored of the issue they forget about it entirely and move on to another feel good cause the same way they move onto a new fashion trend. This month's child soldiers is next month's South American deforestation.

Stay classy 1st world.

This Kony2012 business is all well and good. I'm all for making tyrants and murderers pay for being tyrants and murderers. However, social media won't do anything towards arresting Kony. After all, if the people who've wanted him dead for all these years can't get him, what good will a little slacktivism do?

People mindlessly throwing their attention to whatever trendy fad cause someone shits out is far from productive. If you want to do a good turn for the world, you need to pick something, focus on it, and spend YEARS of HARD WORK on the subject. Just watching some over produced shitty video designed specifically to tug at your heart strings won't do shit. "But I'm spreading awareness!" You say? Horse shit.

Awareness doesn't do a damned thing beyond letting people think they're doing something when, in reality, they're just in a massive hipster circle jerk patting themselves on the back and pretending to be globally conscious.

Tell you what. You know who made your clothes? Your phone? Your computer? Child slaves in China and Indonesia. Where's the outcry about that? Are you going to change your profile picture? Want to post a video about it? Oh, make us aware. That will fix everything. Except it won't.

If you aren't willing to actually physically help things and want to pay it off to the next person down the line, essentially what slacktivism does, then you aren't helping. Besides that, there's literally nothing we can do. All awareness is going to do is make yet another thing for hipsters who pretend to give two shits about the world something to talk about for a week as they drink their non fair trade coffee, in their child labor produced name brand clothes as they type on their overpriced, slave produced electronics.

We're all part of the problem and unless you're completely willing to give up living in the first world there is literally nothing you can do about it.

Food for thought, readers. Food for thought. /rant


  1. Anonymous08:03

    Slacktivism is one thing, but acting for a cause is another. I agree petitions are all but useless, and that protests don't do a lot. We already know about China. We know about Indonesia and India and South Africa.

    What WILL help, though, is taking on one cause and making it your own. Raise money, do volunteer work, if it's overseas do mission trips.

    1. But this is exactly the sort of thing people *aren't* doing, hence my complaints.
