Pardon me, readers, as I beg your indulgence for a bit of a rant.

You ever have a PICC line? It's a delightful piece of work. Here's a Wikipedia article about it if you're curious.They cut open your vein just under your subclaveaen artery on your upper arm and loop this glorified IV through your chest and just sort of poke it to the point where it just rests barely outside of the entrance to your heart.
See, I have one of those now, and for a paraplegic, it's kind of a bitch. Anyway, I had this delightful thing installed due to the fact that I had a small bone infection that had been plaguing me since mid last year. So, with that removed my doctor prescribed an extended course of antibiotics to be administered intravenously. This is an incredibly good idea as it's basically the best way of killing off whatever lingering creepy-crawlies might lurk in the area.
I have the wonderful distinction of having had most of my veins destroyed early in my life due to the extensive surgeries required by my spinal defect. Kinda shitty, but whatever. Anyway, this means that I can't really be getting new IV ports stuck in every 3-5 days for a month as my antibiotic course would require. Hence, the PICC.
I just got home from the hospital. My arm is as sore as a whole heap of motherfuckers and a rant seemed warranted. So thanks for reading. Now you know where I was and just *what* I was up to. I feel a nap coming on.