Well, I suppose it really doesn't take too much thought to realize it, but I was musing today and the thought had occurred to me that a large part of my country's problems were due to Capitalism and Commercialism run amok.
For example, the ability of individuals and corporations to attain such wealth that they can essentially buy congressmen and kill any minor political party's electoral chances is beyond troubling. Let's not be mistaken here. In America, most of the new legislation that you hear about is designed by corporate interests to defend their bottom line. The war on drugs, the war on the middle class, the war on Internet privacy, austerity measures, the battle against healthcare - these are all Hydra like heads of a vast beast dedicated to defending the profits of the bourgeoisie and everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it.
I don't even mind too much when purely governmental interests tell me what to do as long as it's sensible. I mean, I don't drive drunk and I don't do hard drugs because there are damned good reasons that stuff is illegal. However, when I'm told that I can't copy my own music that I bought or that I can't smoke a blunt, I get pissed. These are laws passed by scumbags in suits to protect their greedy financial interests and it is essentially THEM telling ME what to do. Private citizens bossing around their peers. It needs to be stopped, and no one - including myself - is willing to do what truly needs to be done to stop them.
The worst part? When America falls apart - a Soviet style breakup which I am sure will occur in this century - the problem will persist. Why? Because the average American is quite complacent. Further, the average American seems to believe quite fervently that capitalism is a good thing. The ignorance! It's utterly infuriating, isn't it?
I am not above admitting that Communism and Marxism are flawed, but at least everyone has a fair chance under the strictest iterations of Marxist tenants. The odds are so heavily stacked in America today that it makes one yearn for the Cold War, almost. My generation is so thoroughly fucked that I'd take the Soviet Union over this. As a matter of fact, I'd love to try that. Give me a new Soviet Union, world. We need Communism to come back. Sound off in the comments, because my rant is done.
Also, fuck the new Blogger layout.